I remember as a child tossing pebbles into the pond on our farm and watching the ripples expand into ever wider circles until the entire pond had felt the movement from that tiny little pebble. The actions for peace and unity that we take each day of our lives no matter how small and insignificant they seem to us create the same effect. One small act of compassion creates ripples of compassion that literally move the entire world.
Perhaps all I can do today is acknowledge the flagman who is directing traffic during road construction. Rather than expressing my frustration because my travels have been delayed, I will try a smile or a nod of appreciation for the hot, boring but essential job that the flagman or woman is providing. Maybe my peace offering for the day will be to let the mother with the young toddler go ahead of me in the grocery line, or to leave the closest parking space in the lot for the next person, whoever they may be.
When I started thinking about this idea, I remembered a song from my teenage years that started with the line “It only takes a spark to get a fire going….” And then I remembered one of my favorite quotes from Mother Teresa , “In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.” Indeed even fairy tales of our childhood speak of the power of small things. Remember that infamous pea that kept the Princess awake all night long.
Wouldn’t it be great if instead of just a few ripples, we created a tidal wave of peace and compassion? Next time I feel frustration, impatience, anger, maybe I will remember to stop and remember that I can choose peace. I can take one small action that will create a ripple of compassion that can be felt around the world. Maybe if you join me we can indeed create a tidal wave of peace from a few small pebbles.
How true and thanks you for reminding us! Random acts of kindness are the most powerful things we can do, you are so right! Especially in this meanspirited political season, its quite radical!